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Batman: Arkham Origins Is Secretly the Second Best Arkham Game | Attack the Backlog

I thought I played Batman: Arkham Origins when it originally came out. I was wrong. When I booted up the game on my Xbox 360, all I had was a 5% completed save file from 11 years ago to the day, so what I thought was going to be another Second Run was actually an Attack the Backlog. I don't know if it's because it was all new to me or if it's just a better game (or maybe a little of both), but I had a significantly better time with Arkham Origins than I did with Arkham City. Arkham Origins takes what Arkham City did and simplifies and focuses it, delivering an overall more satisfying experience for someone like me who isn't a Batman super fan. It may not reach the heights of Arkham Asylum, but it's a worthy addition to the Arkham saga and should be treated on an equal footing with the Rocksteady-developed Arkham games.

Anyway, that's it and that's all folks. You can get an even more in-depth discussion by listening to the podcast and, if you're feeling extra generous, you can become a patron to show your support for the site, the podcasts, the streaming, the videos, the art, and everything in between--and you'll get a few nice bonuses while you're at it. Thank you for taking the time out of your day to consume any of the content I make and thank you for being a fan. I can't begin to express how much I appreciate each and every one of you. Cheers.

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Batman: Arkham Origins Is Secretly the Second Best Arkham Game | Attack the Backlog

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