Half-Life 2 done...only took me a few years
Well I recently decided to pop The Orange Box into my 360 because I have owned it since it was released and never actually finished Half-Life 2. I mean the first game (not the episodes)...I haven't even finished Portal! Though now I can finally say, "Yes! I have beaten Half-Life 2", and I really don't know what took me so long. For one I'll say that the story and atmosphere are great, but it is obvious that this is a PC game first (I really wish my PC was working at times like this). The game does control adequately on the 360, but when you look at other shooters on the market it just feels a bit stiff.
My end time was just under 10hrs, but it was a very enjoyable 10hrs and I have to say near the end you are given a weapon that makes you feel like one hell of a badass. It was a great ride while it lasted (too bad it was so short)! My one complaint is that I really like the character of Alex and just wish she had more screen time (I've been told you see a lot more of her in EP1). Also I just want to say that my friend (let's call him EltonJ) said that he didn't like Alex and thought she was unattractive. I think that is ridiculous because for one she is a real character and on a physical aspect I think she's much more attractive than most female characters! Not to mention she is just frickin' awesome! Though I must say I didn't like the fact that she kept on leaving me, it left me some serious abandonment issues. You fail EltonJ, you fail big time! Why don't you just ride your rocket to the moon rocketman (and don't forget your shades).
I will hopefully post a review soon for HL2 and I am currently playing through EP1. I hope to get reviews of HL2 and both episodes in the coming week (before GTAIV arrives).
Sausage Out!
Reader Comments (2)
Orange Box - one of the best values in gaming history.
I really enjoyed Half-Life (I have it for the PS2), so I am looking forward to playing the Orange Box later this year. :)
And yes, Mr. Elton fails terribly. "I don't like her cause she's not attractive." What a, dare I say, douche! >:|
Exactly...pshhh that man...pshhh EltonJ!!!