Home = WTF Sony
Well it seems like all PS3 owners will be homeless for a little bit longer (or forever, who knows). Though I am not at all surprised by the delay, I really wish that Sony would just release a patch that gives us some new features. I am optimistic for Home and I understand that they want to make sure the "world" is fully functional when it goes live, but with every delay I care less and less. If they just gave me some of the simplest functionality that is in XBL; I wouldn't care how long they spent on refining Home.
I really do want Home to be good, though I can't help but laugh at these circumstances. I hate hearing all the PS3 fanboys (and girls) acting like Home is the PS3's killer AP and will take down XBL. Home is a very ambitious project, but the truth is we haven't had any experience with the software and all these delays aren't exactly good signs.
Even though I am disappointed with the delay...I think it's best that we all stand up and point at every single fanboy and laugh! HAHA...I hate you guys.
Reader Comments (4)
Seriously though, it's disappointing, but meh... I just wonder what they have to showcase at E3.
Most important thing they need to get, besides Home, is cross media bar in game.
Most important thing they need right now...is desire...the desire to play the system!
Pssh, you xbot :P
Reason enough: MGS4. That is all.
Shouldn't you be asleep now!! HUH!? ...and MGS4 isn't out yet...and the interface will still be bad then...at least to me.