I am the Champion
"CONGRATULATIONS! We are pleased to announce that you are one of the Reward Winners in the Old Spice® Experience Challenge sponsored by The Pocter & Gamble Distributing LLC. Enclosed is your Reward of a $100 Best Buy™ Gift Card. Terms and conditions on gift cards/gift certificated apply.
On behalf of our client, we thank you for participating in their promotion and hope you will enjoy your Reward.
Sweepstakes Administrators"
I finally received my winnings from the Old Spice tournament and I was originally planning to purchase a Nintendo DS with the winnings, but my plans have changed. I started to think about the extra expenses that would come with a DS, basically just another system with more games to buy. As of right now I will likely use the card to purchase my PS3 version of GTAIV and some other crap. I am just happy (and surprised) that I received it so fast! :)
...I've also toyed around with the thought of picking up Guitar Hero 3 for the 360, but I'm not sure about that...
Reader Comments (2)
Guitar Hero 3? Have you played the other GH games? Personally, I suck at GH. Besides that, even if I was good, I wouldn't play it much. Maybe I'm not a big fan of rhythm games.
I own GH2 and Rock Band...and I am pretty good and love rhythm games :P ...so pshhh