Left 4 Dead: F U Sony
Well it seems that Valve (at least right now) isn't interested in developing for the PS3. I find this a bit odd solely based on the fact that their games (their FPSs) are so obviously designed for a mouse and keyboard. Which console supports mouse and keyboard play?...That's right, the PS3 supports it, but Microsoft still support this. It is a bit ironic because all the games that can benefit from this set-up are dominantly on the 360 at the moment. Most RTS console games are for the 360 only and everyone knows that the 360 is a shooters systems so why not give us the option?...
I digress, the fact of the matter is that Left 4 Dead as of right now will not be coming to the PS3 anytime soon (possibly never) and that is quite the shame.
Valve: Left 4 Dead may come to PS3 eventually
Reader Comments (1)
I can tell you right now why Valve doesn't develop for Sony.. Actually I think you should bring this topic up on podcast! There's no reason why you can't bring topics to discuss on the show, Kush.
Lol... Can't wait for Gus to see that picture with the added quote. :p